No Limits is a television programme, shown on BBC Two in four series from 1985 to 1987. The idea was created by Jonathan King for Channel 4 as a way to introduce new presenters and was featured in his Sun newspaper column of the time to seek applicants. He then moved the project before it began to BBC2 which was carrying his Entertainment USA series.
It would usually go out in a teatime/early evening slot on Tuesdays at 6pm. The show’s logo was a roadsign with a red ring and a black dash.
The show was presented in its first series by Jeremy Legg and Lisa Maxwell, and for the remaining three series by Tony Baker and Jenny Powell. The presenters regularly took part in stunts such as jetbiking.
In its final season, in addition to Baker and Powell, presenters were chosen from around the country to represent different regions. Terry Vaughan and Linda Huntley represented the Southeast region.
Each week the show was set in a different town or location, and, as well as pop videos, had its own specially made videos about that location and some things about which the place was famous. Each musical track ran for 90 seconds so as to appeal to viewers who liked them without alienating those who didn’t. It exposed and helped break many unknown songs.
The theme tune was a mix of Lost Again by Yello. The show also had both UK and US chart countdowns.
At its peak the series was the No. 1 rated show on BBC2 and had 6 million weekly viewers.