Grange Hill is a British television children’s drama series originally made by the BBC. The show began its run on 8 February 1978 on BBC1, and was one of the longest-running programmes on British television when it ended its run on 15 September 2008. It was created by Phil Redmond who is also responsible for the Channel 4 dramas Brookside and Hollyoaks; other notable production team members down the years have included producer Colin Cant and script editor Anthony Minghella.
After 30 years, the show was cancelled in 2008 as it was felt by the BBC that the series had run its course.
The drama was centred on the fictional comprehensive school of Grange Hill in the equally fictitious North London borough of Northam. As well as dealing with school-related issues such as bullying, learning difficulties, teacher-pupil relationships and conflicts, Grange Hill “broke new ground over the years, with the kind of hard-hitting storylines not usually seen in children’s dramas”, such as racism, Zammo’s heroin addiction, teenage pregnancy, AIDS, LGBT, knife crime, homelessness, rape and mental health.[5] The series was originally to have been called “Grange Park”, which would go on to be used as the name of the school in another Redmond creation, the Channel 4 soap opera Brookside
Selected Cast-
Peter ‘Tucker’ Jenkins- Todd Carty
Suzanne Ross- Susan Tully
Samuel ‘Zammo’ MacGuire- Lee McDonald
Lucinda Oliver- Letitia Dean
Fiona Wilson- Michelle Gayle
Terence ‘Tegs’ Ratcliffe- Sean McGuire
Grange Hill was always must watch TV when you came home from school, hard hitting storylines and superb acting with memorable characters that were to go on to bigger and better things, loved it and never missed an episode. 9/10