The Family-Ness is a British cartoon series produced in 1983. It was first broadcast on BBC One from 5 October 1984 to 5 April 1985, with repeats airing on CBeebies on BBC Two for a very short time in early 2002. It was created by Peter Maddocks of Maddocks Cartoon Productions. Maddocks later went on to produce Penny Crayon and Jimbo and the Jet Set in a similar style. Family-Ness was about the adventures of a family of Loch Ness Monsters and the MacTout family, particularly siblings Elspeth and Angus. The ‘Nessies’ could be called from the loch by the two children by means of their “thistle whistles”.
The series was followed with a large collection of merchandising including annuals, story books, character models and even a record. The single “You’ll Never Find a Nessie in the Zoo” was written by Roger and Gavin Greenaway, but never made it into the Top 40.
- Voices by Peter Hawkins, Susan Sheridan
- Music by Roger and Gavin GreenawayTheme
- Theme Tune Performed By Gavin Greenaway
- Animation by The Animation People
- Head of Backgrounds Kevin Smith
- Layout Ted Pettengel and David Elvin
- Production by Peter Maddocks, Nick Roberts, Gus Angus
- Series Director Jack Stokes
- Dubbing by MagMasters
Elspeth and Angus Meet the Loch Ness Monster, Professor Dumkopf and his Underwater Telescope, Clumsy-Ness upsets Captain Standfast, Silly-Ness and the Bubble Machine, Professor Dumkopf and his Amazing Cannonball, Ferocious-Ness changes colour, Captain Standfast and the Stowaway, Baby-Ness gets the Measles, Ferocious-Ness and the Sound Machine, Hungry-Ness and the Diving Bell, Thirsty-Ness and the Part-Time Witch, Professor Dumkopf makes a Monster Film, The Maze of Urquhart Castle, You’ll never find a Nessie in the Zoo.