Super Gran is a 1980s children’s television programme, about a grandmother with super powers. The show was adapted by Jenny McDade from books written by Forrest Wilson and was produced by Tyne Tees Television for Children’s ITV. The title character was played by Gudrun Ure, with Iain Cuthbertson as her nemesis, The Scunner Campbell.
Two series, each consisting of 13 episodes, were produced, alongside a Christmas special. All episodes have been released by Network DVD. The show inspired two computer games.
An elderly grandmother, Granny Smith (Gudrun Ure), acquires superpowers when she is accidentally hit by a magic ray created by Inventor Black (Bill Shine (actor)). Under the guise of ‘Super Gran’, she protects the residents of the fictional town of Chiselton from villains such as Roderick Scunner Campbell (Iain Cuthbertson) and his gang, The Muscles (Alan Snell and Brian Lewis) and Tub (Lee Marshall, Jason Carrielies[1]). Super Gran was usually accompanied by her grandson, Willard (Iam Towell, Michael Graham[1]) and Inventor Black’s assistant Edison (Holly English, Samantha Duffy[1]).[2]